Launch of Education and Skills Development Working Group Furthers U.S.-India Cooperation

Launch of Education and Skills Development Working Group Furthers U.S.-India Cooperation

Officials from the United States and India held the first meeting of the U.S.-India Education and Skills Development Working Group in hybrid format on May 22.  The event was hosted by the State Department’s Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of South and Central Asia, Donald Lu, and the Indian Ministry of Education’s Joint Secretary of International Cooperation, Neeta Prasad.

The working group exchanged perspectives on skill development and vocational education, certification and recognition, partnerships between U.S. and Indian higher educational institutions, and engaging with the private sector.  Participants also discussed ways to further expand educational linkages and to collaborate to promote workforce development.

The Assistant Secretary stressed the importance of these educational connections to our shared economic prosperity, and highlighted that the United States and India enjoy strong people-to-people ties in large part due to the numerous Indian students and faculty in the United States, and our growing network of educational exchanges.

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