Joint Statement on Third U.S.-Suriname Strategic Dialogue
The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Suriname on the occasion of the Third U.S.-Suriname Strategic Dialogue.
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In the spirit of strengthening bilateral relations, the United States and Suriname held the Third Strategic Dialogue on January 31 in Washington, DC. Senior officials from both countries explored ways to promote inclusive growth, foster innovation, combat climate change, and collaborate on capacity building and training. The dialogue underscored the urgent need to address the climate crisis, accelerate the clean energy transition, promote sustainable development, foster economic resilience, and strengthen democracy. In the area of security cooperation, the United States and Suriname support completing negotiations on the Air Intercept Assistance Agreement. Both sides discussed other options to enhance information sharing, including through a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty and a Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement.
The United States supports Suriname’s efforts to address shared security challenges, including transnational organized crime, narcotics and human trafficking, money laundering, and corruption by enhancing the capacity of police and security services, including through the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI). The United States commends Suriname for its endorsement of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection; both sides reaffirmed their commitment to promote safe, orderly, and humane migration in the Americas.
We welcome Suriname to the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation, a White House priority launched in September 2023. The Partnership is a platform for Atlantic coastal states to work together to address common challenges to realize interconnected goals of advancing a peaceful, stable, prosperous, open, safe, and cooperative Atlantic region, and promote a healthy, sustainable, and resilient Atlantic for generations to come.
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Official news published at https://www.state.gov/joint-statement-on-third-u-s-suriname-strategic-dialogue/
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