Under Secretary Zeya’s Travel to Jamaica and Belize
Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya will travel to Kingston, Jamaica, and Belmopan, Belize from February 19-23, 2024, to advance bilateral and regional cooperation on civilian security, migration, and human rights.
In Kingston, Under Secretary Zeya will underscore the strength of the U.S.-Jamaica partnership and meet with senior government officials to enhance our cooperation in civilian security and law enforcement, human rights, and rule of law. She will meet with close partners to engage on the Haiti Multinational Security Support mission. Additionally, the Under Secretary will commemorate the opening of a Child Friendly Space developed through the U.S.-Jamaica Child Protection Compact Partnership, which provides safety and support to children who are victims or witnesses of crime. She will explore with educators and youth opportunities to strengthen the capacity of families and communities to prevent youth violence.
In Belmopan, Under Secretary Zeya will engage senior government officials, civil society, and human rights advocates on bilateral and regional security, as well as our efforts to strengthen safe, orderly, and humane migration management, address human trafficking, counter discrimination, and protect fundamental freedoms of vulnerable groups.
Official news published at https://www.state.gov/under-secretary-zeyas-travel-to-jamaica-and-belize/
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