PRC Military Drills near Taiwan

PRC Military Drills near TaiwanThe United States is deeply concerned over the People’s Liberation Army joint military drills in the Taiwan Strait and around Taiwan.  We are monitoring PRC activities closely and coordinating with allies and partners regarding our shared concerns. We strongly urge Beijing to act with restraint.  Using a normal, routine, and democratic transition as an excuse […]

The 36th Annual ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue

U.S.-Kazakhstan Strategic Energy Dialogue – United States Department of StateThe United States and ASEAN held the 36th annual ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue on May 24 in Washington, D.C., to discuss expanded cooperation under our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP). Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink co-chaired the dialogue with Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General of ASEAN Cooperation Sidharto Reza Suryodipuro. […]

Secretary Blinken’s Call with President Abinader

Secretary Blinken’s Call with President AbinaderThe below is attributable to Spokesperson Matthew Miller: Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Dominican Republic President Luis Abinader today to congratulate him on his re-election to the presidency.  The Secretary reaffirmed our enduring partnership with the Dominican Republic and shared commitment to advancing democratic governance, regional security, anti-corruption efforts, and inclusive growth and prosperity.  […]

Bicentennial of U.S.-Brazil Bilateral Relations

Bicentennial of U.S.-Brazil Bilateral RelationsToday, the United States and Brazil mark 200 years of diplomatic relations between our countries.  On May 26, 1824, U.S. President James Monroe received Brazilian Chargé d’Affaires José Silvestre Rebello in Washington, D.C.  With this welcome, the United States recognized Brazil’s independence and established our now 200-year partnership.  We joined together as allies in World […]

Golovanov #36: Negotiations or Continuation of War? Golovanov, Arestovych. Ukraine War Chronicles.

Golovanov #36: Negotiations or Continuation of War? Golovanov, Arestovych. Ukraine War Chronicles.There is a lot of pro-Putin bias in the Western world. We aim to dispel this “macho” propaganda and reveal true colors of his regime: murder, intimidation, industrialized kleptocracy and well-funded russian fascism propaganda machines. We were born in Russia, we have lost friends to this murderer… we see how he “zombifies” most and intimidates […]

Secretary Blinken’s Call with German Foreign Minister Baerbock

U.S.-Kazakhstan Strategic Energy Dialogue – United States Department of State

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Matthew Miller: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock today.  Secretary Blinken and Foreign Minister Baerbock reaffirmed support for Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s aggression and discussed challenges posed by the People’s Republic of China, including the PRC’s support for Russia’s defense industrial base.  […]

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