Imposing Sanctions in Response to DPRK-Russia Weapon Deals

Imposing Sanctions in Response to DPRK-Russia Weapon Deals

The United States is today imposing sanctions on five Russia-based individuals and entities connected to the transfer of military equipment and components between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Russian Federation in violation of the UN arms embargo on the DPRK.  Russia has increasingly relied upon the DPRK for munitions to wage its […]

The post Imposing Sanctions in Response to DPRK-Russia Weapon Deals first appeared on Social Gov.

The United States-Nigeria Open Skies Air Transport Agreement Enters into Force

U.S.-Kazakhstan Strategic Energy Dialogue – United States Department of StateThe U.S.-Nigeria Air Transport Agreement, which has been provisionally applied since 2000, entered into force on May 13, 2024. This bilateral agreement establishes a modern civil aviation relationship with Nigeria consistent with U.S. Open Skies international aviation policy and with commitments to high standards of aviation safety and security. The agreement includes provisions that allow […]

Day 811 pt2

Day 811 pt2

There is a lot of pro-Putin bias in the Western world. We aim to dispel this “macho” propaganda and reveal true colors of his regime: murder, intimidation, industrialized kleptocracy and well-funded russian fascism propaganda machines. We were born in Russia, we have lost friends to this murderer… we see how he “zombifies” most and intimidates […]

The post Day 811 pt2 first appeared on Social Gov.

On the Election in Chad

On the Election in ChadFollowing the certification of final presidential election results by Chad’s Constitutional Council on May 16, the United States commends those who exercised their right to vote on May 5-6. We welcome the peaceful conduct of the voting and its aftermath, although we regret the multiple casualties from celebratory gunfire that followed the announcement of provisional […]