Assistant Secretary Phee’s Travel to Somalia

Assistant Secretary of State Satterfield Travels to Paris, FranceAssistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee and Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Mike Hammer visited Mogadishu, Somalia February 15-16, 2024.  In a meeting with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, they discussed the current state of play in the region and the importance of avoiding further tensions.  They reiterated U.S. support for Somalia’s […]

Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with German Vice Chancellor and Economic Minister Habeck

Assistant Secretary of State Satterfield Travels to Paris, FranceThe below is attributable to Spokesperson Matthew Miller: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with German Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Robert Habeck at the Munich Security Conference.  Secretary Blinken and Vice Chancellor Habeck discussed support for Ukraine and ongoing efforts to establish lasting peace and security in the Middle East. […]

Under Secretary Jenkins Travels to Munich

Under Secretary Jenkins Travels to MunichUnder Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ambassador Bonnie D. Jenkins will travel to Munich, Germany, from February 16 to 18, 2024, to participate in the 60th Munich Security Conference.  At the conference, the Under Secretary will hold bilateral meetings, attend side events, and engage with members of civil society and the media.  […]

Joint Statement from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada on Countering Foreign Information Manipulation

Joint Statement from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada on Countering Foreign Information ManipulationThe text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Canada on coordinated efforts to counter foreign state information manipulation. Begin Text: The United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada remain deeply concerned about foreign information manipulation and other actions designed to undermine our […]

Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar Before Their Meeting

Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar Before Their MeetingSECRETARY BLINKEN:  Good afternoon.  We’ve heard the reports from Russia of Aleksey Navalny’s death in prison.  For more than a decade, Russian Government, Putin, have persecuted, poisoned, and imprisoned Aleksey Navalny, and now reports of his death.  First and foremost, if these reports are accurate, our hearts go out to his wife and to his […]

Acting Assistant Secretary Littlejohn’s Travel to Oman, Ghana, and Kenya

Under Secretary Jenkins Travels to MunichActing Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Jennifer R. Littlejohn will travel to Oman, Ghana, and Kenya from February 16 to February 29, 2024.  During her visit, she will discuss nature and marine conservation, plastic pollution, the climate crisis, deforestation, nature crimes, civil and commercial space activities, and the […]

2024-02-16 Navalny’s Death, All That is Known. Original Material by “Redaktsya”

2024-02-16 Navalny’s Death, All That is Known. Original Material by “Redaktsya”

There is a lot of pro-Putin bias in the Western world. We aim to dispel this “macho” propaganda and reveal true colors of his regime: murder, intimidation, industrialized kleptocracy and well-funded russian fascism propaganda machines. We were born in Russia, we have lost friends to this murderer… we see how he “zombifies” most and intimidates […]

The post 2024-02-16 Navalny’s Death, All That is Known. Original Material by “Redaktsya” first appeared on Social Gov.

Special Representative Hachigian’s Travel to Munich and Barcelona

Joint Statement from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada on Countering Foreign Information ManipulationSpecial Representative for City and State Diplomacy Ambassador Nina Hachigian will travel to Munich, Germany, February 15-18 and to Barcelona, Spain, February 18-21 to attend the Munich Security Conference and the 2024 United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Retreat. At the Munich Security Conference , Ambassador Hachigian will join Mayor Vitali Klitschko of Kyiv, Ukraine, for a panel discussion […]

Secretary Blinken’s Travel to Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, and Buenos Aires

25 Years of PRC Government Repression and Abuse of Falun Gong

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken will travel to Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, February 20-23.  In Brasilia, Secretary Blinken will meet with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to discuss bilateral and global issues.  The Secretary will emphasize U.S. support for Brazil’s G20 presidency and hosting of the G20 […]

The post Secretary Blinken’s Travel to Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, and Buenos Aires first appeared on Social Gov.

Under Secretary Elizabeth M. Allen’s Travel to Jordan, Sri Lanka, and India

Assistant Secretary of State Satterfield Travels to Paris, FranceUnder Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy Liz Allen is on travel to Jordan, Sri Lanka, and India from February 12-22. The visit underscores the United States’ unwavering commitment to reinforcing and expanding partnerships and alliances. The trip highlights the core of U.S. foreign policy and public diplomacy initiatives: fostering freedom of expression, economic empowerment, […]