War in Ukraine, Analytics. Day 1048: Zelensky’s Interview with Lex Fridman. Arestovych, Feldman

There is a lot of pro-Putin bias in the Western world. We aim to dispel this “macho” propaganda and reveal true colors of his regime: murder, intimidation, industrialized kleptocracy and well-funded russian fascism propaganda machines. We were born in Russia, we have lost friends to this murderer… we see how he “zombifies” most and intimidates and beats down the rest. We also know where his weak spots are and what atrocities his regime is committing on a daily basis.
Message from the source channel owner.
In today’s war diary, Nikolai Feldman and Alexey Arestovich discussed the main news on the 1048th day of war:
➤ 00:00 Interview of the President of Ukraine with Lex Fridman: what audience did Zelensky address?
➤ 03:39 Zelensky’s position on the types of security guarantees for Ukraine and the ceasefire.
➤ 07:20 The attitude of the President of Ukraine to the Russian language, Putin and the Russian people. Zelensky – the unbending leader of the unbending Ukraine?
➤ 13:04 President’s unsuccessful message: 4 years of Trump – an insignificant time to achieve peace for Ukraine? Additional information from the interview can be found in the original audio track on YouTube.
➤ 15:25 French President Macron called on Ukraine to hold realistic discussions. If the negotiations are disrupted by Ukraine, what awaits us?
➤ 21:15 In an interview with Lex Fridman, Zelensky did not recognize corruption in Ukraine. Analysis of Zelensky’s position.
➤ 26:35 Paris story from President Zelensky versus the words of Bohdan in Gordon: “they promised one thing, did nothing.”
➤ 31:30 Merkel and Arestovich’s recollections of the Minsk agreements. Why did the Ukrainian government drag out the time for so long, not fulfilling the agreements? – Putin’s claims coincided with Ukraine’s claims to the EU and NATO.
➤ 40:40 The key to the current situation is the Ukrainian government’s fear of radicals.
➤ 41:45 Preparing Ukraine for war: who forced the country to sell weapons since 1991, in order to then buy them back at a higher price at the beginning of Russia’s large-scale invasion in 2022?
➤ 47:37 What could Ukraine have done in 4 years of Trump’s rule to avoid a second round of war with Russia? How does the Ukrainian government use its super powers during the war?
Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Advisor to the Office of Ukraine President : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Arestovych
Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWy2g76QZf7QLEwx4cB46g
Nikolay Feldman – Ukranian journalist, social researcher, blogger.
Fundraiser is under Alexey’s Original Stream in Russian: https://youtu.be/vptoNLzMUT0
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