U.S. Special Representative for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim’s Meeting with Republic of Korea (ROK) Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Kim
The following is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:
U.S. Special Representative for the DPRK Ambassador Sung Kim met on February 2 with ROK Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Kim Gunn in Washington, D.C., to discuss U.S.-ROK cooperation in countering the DPRK’s unlawful ballistic missile and WMD development, as well as malicious cyber activities.
The officials shared assessments of the current dynamic on the Korean Peninsula and expressed grave concern for Pyongyang’s disregard for repeated calls by Washington and Seoul for engagement. They also called on all countries to fully implement the UN Security Council resolutions on the DPRK and to urge Pyongyang to cease its provocative and dangerous activities. The officials emphasized the importance of raising awareness in the private sector and the international community about the dangers of the DPRK’s illicit cyber activities, which include stealing money from foreign entities to fund Kim Jong Un and his regime. They highlighted the need to further prioritize the welfare of the North Korean people in their respective policies on the DPRK and encouraged Pyongyang to allow international humanitarian organizations more access inside the DPRK to distribute much-needed assistance.
These meetings highlight the close ongoing collaboration with our ROK allies as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of our Alliance this year.
Official news published at https://www.state.gov/u-s-special-rep-for-the-dprk-kims-meeting-with-rok-special-rep-for-korean-peninsula-peace-and-security/
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