FY 2023 Presidential Rank Awards for the Senior Executive Service and Foreign Service

FY 2023 Presidential Rank Awards for the Senior Executive Service and Foreign Service

The President approved the FY2023 Presidential Rank Awards (PRA) for 10 Senior Executive Service (SES) and 64 Senior Foreign Service (SFS) members of the U.S. State Department.  Presidential Rank Awards are conferred each year to a select group of career members of the SES and SFS who have provided exceptional service to the American people over an extended period.  These senior members are outstanding leaders who consistently demonstrate strength, integrity, industry, and have made significant contributions to the U.S. Government and Departmental policy in the field of foreign affairs, including public diplomacy and international trade and development.  Through their personal conduct and results-oriented leadership, they have earned a high degree of public confidence and trust. The PRAs have been available for award by the President since the establishment of the SES in 1978, and the SFS in 1980.

The Department is pleased to announce the FY2023 SES and SFS PRA recipients (in alphabetical order by category):

The SES recipient of the Distinguished Executive Award

Mary Catherine Malin

The SFS recipients of the Distinguished Service Award

Bruce R. Begnell
Elizabeth A. N. Fitzsimmons
John T. Godfrey
Colleen A. Hoey
Lisa A. Johnson
Christopher Robinson
Julie M. Stufft
Lesslie Viguerie
John R. Waters
Henry T. Wooster

The SES recipients of the Meritorious Executive Award

Rachel M. Arndt
Lawrence E. Bartlett
Roland F. de Marcellus
Steven F. Fabry
Michael G. Kozak
Philippe A. Lussier
Christina A. Sanford
Eric F. Stein
Kathryn A. Youel Page

The SFS recipients of the Meritorious Service Award

Tamika DaShawn Abbott
Michael J. Adler
Angela P. Aggeler
B. Bix Aliu
Stephen Anderson
Paul Avallone
Tobin J. Bradley
Todd J. Brown
Cornell Chasten, Jr.
Dwayne L. Cline
Marie C. Damour
Karen B. Decker
Marc D. Dillard
Benjamin B. Dille
Laura F. Dogu
Robin L. Dunnigan
Steven H. Fagin
Troy D. Fitrell
Heide B. Fulton
Herro Mustafa Garg
Richard H. Glenn
Paul R. Houston
Bryan D. Hunt
Jennifer L. Johnson
Douglas D. Jones
Cynthia A. Kierscht
Eric W. Kneedler
Christopher A. Landberg
Jessica E. Lapenn
Yael Lempert
Gregory D. LoGerfo
Carlos F. Matus
Alan D. Meltzer
Heather C. Merritt
Kenneth H. Merten
Marcus Micheli
Richard M. Mills, Jr.
Michael J. Murphy
W. Patrick Murphy
Brendan M. Murray
George M. Navadel
Brendan J. O’Brien
Thad Osterhout
Sandra Oudkirk
Michael B. Phillips
John M. Pommersheim
Michael A. Raynor
Hugo F. Rodriguez, Jr.
Thomas D. Smitham
Stephanie S. Sullivan
Pamela M. Tremont
Heather Variava
Mark A. Wells
Marta C. Youth

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/fy-2023-presidential-rank-awards-for-the-senior-executive-service-and-foreign-service/

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