25 Years of PRC Government Repression and Abuse of Falun Gong

25 Years of PRC Government Repression and Abuse of Falun Gong

25 Years of PRC Government Repression and Abuse of Falun Gong
25 Years of PRC Government Repression and Abuse of Falun Gong

We solemnly mark 25 years today since the People’s Republic of China (PRC) began a campaign of repression against practitioners of Falun Gong, a self-described spiritual practice.  For two and a half decades, PRC authorities have targeted Falun Gong practitioners and their families in a campaign of abuses and rights violations.

The United States will continue to speak out for human rights, including freedom of religion or belief.  We will also continue to promote accountability for those responsible for human rights abuses and violations.  We call upon the PRC to cease its repressive campaign and release all who have been imprisoned for their beliefs.

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/25-years-of-prc-government-repression-and-abuse-of-falun-gong/

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