2024 Investment Climate Statements Published

Today, the Department of State published the 2024 Investment Climate Statements (ICS). These reports describe the investment climates of more than 160 countries and economies, helping U.S. companies make informed decisions about doing business overseas.
The ICS are also a resource for partner governments to create business environments that are economically sound and sustainable to grow the middle class, empower workers, promote internationally recognized labor rights, combat corruption, support responsible business conduct, and help address the climate crisis. A welcoming investment climate can help attract high-quality investment and support sustainable, inclusive economic growth.
The reports highlight ways in which individual economies have improved investment conditions, as well as areas that may pose risks and hinder opportunities for U.S. businesses. Our overseas missions are working to address these barriers to U.S. investment highlighted by the Investment Climate Statements.
The reports cover topics including: Openness to Investment, Legal and Regulatory Systems, Protection of Real and Intellectual Property Rights, Financial Sector, State-Owned Enterprises, Responsible Business Conduct, Corruption, and Labor Policies and Practices.
The Investment Climate Statements also form a chapter of the Department of Commerce’s Country Commercial Guides and can be read together with those guides for a broad description of the investment and business environments in foreign economies. View the Investment Climate Statements and the Country Commercial Guides.
Official news published at https://www.state.gov/2024-investment-climate-statements-published/
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