Ukrainian Reconstruction Fund took part in the RE:UKRAINE forum
Representatives of the Ukrainian Reconstruction Fund took an active part in the work of the RE:UKRAINE international forum, which took place on July 28, 2023, in Kyiv.
The forum gathered leaders of the construction industry, technological innovators, city planners, politicians, change leaders, and other experts from Ukraine and the world. They discussed the strategy for the reconstruction of Ukraine, as well as investment opportunities and needs of the state.
The event is interesting because it was initiated by volunteers who have been engaged in reconstruction work in towns and villages destroyed during the war since last spring.
“These are people who are really into the topic of fast recovery. They are, let’s say, at the forefront of reconstruction and have formulated a special vision of the processes that the de-occupied territories of Ukraine need first and foremost,” said Pavlo Kostyuk, head of the Fund.
The American Center for Innovations became a partner of the Forum: it attracted investors from the USA who are interested in the reconstruction of Ukraine to the event.
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