Congratulations on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
Greetings from the Head of the Kyiv office of the Ukrainian Reconstruction Fund Victoriia Korsunova.
Dear soldiers of Ukraine!
Today is your day. The day of the warriors whom the world admires and Ukrainians are proud of!
Our gratitude and love to you and may the Lord protect your bright path! The path of Heroes who have the dignity to defend goodness and freedom.
Thank you for our lives and our future, for the peace of our families and for our free country. And above all, we thank those who gave their lives for Ukraine. Their feat is forever in our hearts!
We wish you strong strength and unwavering faith, our valiant defenders, good hopes and unquenchable optimism, and most importantly, a Great Victory!
You are the coolest, strongest, bravest and simply the best!
You are stronger than steel and fiercer than fire!
You are titans!
Congratulations on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!
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