Jánelle Marina Méndez Viera Awarded the Prestigious 2022 Human Rights Award From the United States Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights

Jánelle Marina Méndez Viera Awarded the Prestigious 2022 Human Rights Award From the United States Institute of Diplomacy and Human RightsOpposition to Méndez Viera’s work has attempted to silence the autodidact theoretical researcher after she went viral on TikTok during the Big Game.

Puerto Rican American human rights consultant Jánelle Marina Méndez Viera, CEO of Boricua Gringa Human Rights Strategic Advisory, has been recognized for her groundbreaking self-funded research on modern slavery in the Caribbean and its ties to American politics with the prestigious 2022 Human Rights Award presented by the U.S. Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights. 

Despite her accomplishments, the award-winning interdisciplinary social scientific autodidact theoretical researcher shared with followers that she was mass reported after she went viral on TikTok for exposing the sugar industry’s ties to both Florida politicians and the modern enslavement of Haitians in the Dominican Republic. This only further emphasizes the importance of speaking up and out against human rights abuses, especially when facing resistance from powerful forces. 

Méndez Viera has been praised and recognized for her advocacy for human rights, most notably for authoring and successfully lobbying for the Restoration of Honor Act of 2019, which was the first intersectional military and veterans legislation in U.S. history. Other legislative successes include the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military, which was signed into law by President Joseph Biden in 2021. 

In her upcoming book, “The Pathway Towards Peace: U.S. Human Rights Manifesto“, Méndez Viera documents Haitians’ enslavement in the Dominican Republic for American exports and investments, while examining male psychology in the U.S. Méndez Viera discusses her new theory called psychosocial racism and sexism which examines, in her view, how mass media funded by billionaires and corporations such as sugar barons creates the radicalization pipeline which leads to violence against women and minorities. 

Since going viral on TikTok during football’s biggest night of the year, Méndez Viera advised that her account, Boricua.Gringa, has suffered from mass reporting and has had many videos taken down that were restored upon appeal. Jánelle Marina shared a number of posts showing the ongoing harassment campaign. According to research conducted by the Brookings Institute titled “Gendered Disinformation Campaigns,” “These efforts are part of a larger strategy to weaken the human rights system. State-aligned gendered disinformation campaigns are used as a deliberate tactic to smoother opposition voices, erode democratic processes, and silence demands for government accountability. Research has shown that women’s political participation often represents a challenge to entrenched illiberal and autocratic political elites, disrupting what are often male-dominated political networks that allow corruption and abuse of power to flourish. That’s why gendered disinformation has been used by some governments to silence demands for change and undermine calls for better governance. Particularly in countries where women are among the most outspoken critics of so-called ‘machismo populism’, gendered disinformation and hate campaigns are used to undermine political opponents, supporting the notion of politics as an inherently corrupt, cynical, and violent field, unfit for those who are not willing to play dirty.” 

Contact Information:

Corey Cashmon

Content Director

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Jánelle Marina Méndez Viera Awarded the Prestigious 2022 Human Rights Award From the United States Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights

CSE’s Annual Sustainability Practitioners Event Looked at Winning the ESG & Net-Zero Race

CSE’s Annual Sustainability Practitioners Event Looked at Winning the ESG & Net-Zero Race

CSE’s Annual Sustainability Practitioners event, “Winning the ESG & Net-Zero Race – Trends for 2023 and beyond”, on Feb. 7, 2023, brought together thought leaders, institutions and corporate executives. They engaged in a dialogue on regulatory changes and new trends, ESG reporting, risk management and challenges that heads of Sustainability and ESG functions face towards integration.

This event celebrates 15 years of the Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program that has become the first choice for Sustainability and ESG Professionals around the globe, as proven by more than 9,000 certified practitioners in 90 countries, representing  85% of Global FT 500 firms.

The unique findings of CSE’s Annual ESG Research in the U.S. and Canada were presented, investigating ESG best practices and standards used by 31 leading business sectors. It identified the Top 10 ESG Performing Companies in each sector and common success factors, using consolidated scores from several ESG rating agencies for each company and analyzed potential key success factors such as ESG Reporting, Νet-Zero Goal setting and ESG Standards used. 

The event hosted as guest speakers Matthew Rusk, Head of Regional Hub North America at Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); David Marshall, Director, Sustainability & Public Affairs at RESOLUTE; Elisabeth Philippe, Senior Manager, CSR and Media Relations, Executive Operations at United Nations FCU; Rosalinda Sanquiche, Head of Global Sustainability & Communications at CHG; and Arlette Palacio, CEO at Club de Innovación RD and Sustainable Innovation Partners (SIP) Group. The panel discussion focused on good ESG practiceschallenges, opportunities and how business leaders can effectively leverage ESG practices strategically.

Matthew Rusk presented how the GRI standards work, what they have to offer and why GRI and SASB reporting complement each other. David Marshall explained why the three great ESG challenges for RESOLUTE are tracking and balancing ESG metrics, ensuring information gets to stakeholders and determining where to focus their resources. Elisabeth Philippe spoke about the journey of UNFCU from a green team to a sustainability movement; taking collective action on sustainability, advocating about transparency and serving as a convener of ideas and best practices for all its 200,000+ members globally. Rosalinda Sanquiche analyzed the ESG challenges for the Food and Beverage industry, and finally, Arlette Palacio presented the C-suite executive’s perspective on ESG and how sustainability could be used as an organizational competence.

Nikos Avlonas, President of CSE, said, “For more than 16 years, we have provided top of the notch advisory services and tools to FT 500 and government organizations, and we have reached the record number of qualifying 9,000 sustainability practitioners from 90 countries, placing CSE as one of the most important influencers in ESG-Net Zero integration globally.

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CSE is one of the leading ESG Consulting and Educational companies specializing in maximizing social, economic and environmental impact. CSE is known for its global Certified Sustainability – ESG Practitioner Program and Sustainability Academy

Contact Information:

Maria Bena

Communications Executive

[email protected]

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CSE’s Annual Sustainability Practitioners Event Looked at Winning the ESG & Net-Zero Race