Representatives of the URF take part in the Warsaw Security Forum
Yesterday, representatives of the Ukrainian Reconstruction Fund took part in a panel discussion on “Secure and Prosperous: Creating a post-war Ukraine”. It was held as part of the Warsaw Security Forum, which takes place on October 3-4, 2023.
Russia’s armed aggression has had a serious negative impact on Ukraine, and the consequences of this conflict are already being felt at the macroeconomic and socioeconomic levels.
– Now Ukraine is facing huge challenges, but together with our partners we are finding unique opportunities to restore our country and create a better future, – said Pavlo Kostiyk, Chairman of the Fund.
“To achieve peace and recovery, Ukraine needs strong financial support and compensation payments. The Forum participants hope that the transatlantic community will find answers to today’s challenges and effective ways to support Ukraine in its struggle for freedom and strengthening of collective security.
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