Ambassador at Large Fick’s Travel to Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia
From June 5 to 9, Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP) Nathaniel C. Fick will travel to Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia for meetings with government and industry leaders, as well as members of civil society. Ambassador Fick will meet with counterparts to discuss cooperation on connectivity, secure information and communications technology infrastructure, cybersecurity assistance, cyber governance and resilience, and the promotion of digital freedom. While in Costa Rica, he will participate in RightsCon, a global conference on human rights issues in the digital age, where he will discuss U.S. efforts and opportunities for greater international collaboration to counter the proliferation and misuse of commercial spyware, among other initiatives.
During his trip, Ambassador Fick will co-lead a Partnership Opportunity Delegation with Special Representative for Global Partnerships Dorothy McAuliffe that will stop in Costa Rica and Colombia. This delegation will include representation from the U.S. Export-Import Bank and private sector leaders from over a dozen U.S. technology companies. The delegation will meet with key Costa Rican and Colombian government officials, along with key technology leaders in each country’s private sector.
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