Taking Steps to Impose Visa Restrictions for Undermining Democracy And for Repression in Uganda

Taking Steps to Impose Visa Restrictions for Undermining Democracy And for Repression in UgandaAfter Uganda’s flawed 2021 presidential elections, I announced a visa restriction policy targeting those believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic process in Uganda.  At that time, I implored the Government of Uganda to significantly improve its record and hold accountable those responsible for flawed electoral processes, violence, and intimidation. Today, I am announcing […]

Designation of Individuals Linked to the Conflict in Sudan

Designation of Individuals Linked to the Conflict in Sudan

The United States is today designating three officials of the former Omar al-Bashir regime: Mohamed Atta Elmoula Abbas, Taha Osman Ahmed al-Hussein, and Salah Abdallah Mohamed Salah, also known as Salah Gosh.  These individuals have engaged in activities that undermine the peace, security, and stability of Sudan.  Elmoula and Gosh are former security officials who […]

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