Secretary Antony J. Blinken At the 2023 World Food Prize Laureate Announcement Ceremony

Secretary Antony J. Blinken At the 2023 World Food Prize Laureate Announcement CeremonyASSISTANT SECRETARY TOLOUI:  Good morning, everyone.  Good morning.  Secretary Blinken, Secretary Vilsack, Ambassador Branstad, and distinguished guests, my name is Ramin Toloui, Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs here at the State Department.  And it’s a pleasure to welcome you to the 2023 World Food Prize Laureate Announcement Ceremony. For more than 30 years, the […]

Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Verma to Meet with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Grandi

Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with Haitian Interim Prime Minister ConilleOn Thursday, May 11, 2023, Deputy Secretary Verma will meet with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi where they will discuss the current situation in the Western Hemisphere with a particular focus on the lifting of Title 42, exchange notes on the global humanitarian situation, and review global refugee resettlement operations. Official news published […]

Seeking Mayors and Governors for Help with Proclamations before Historic Fibromyalgia Advocacy Day on May 12th, 2023

Seeking Mayors and Governors for Help with Proclamations before Historic Fibromyalgia Advocacy Day on May 12th, 2023

Civil Reform Action Guide: Taking High Impact Actions for National Fibromyalgia Advocacy with Kristal Kent Dr. Angelika Wagner, Star-Icon Presentation, Global Neuroscientist and covered by The Social Good Magazine Show, Season 1 Kristen Thomasino Global Humanitarian Keynote Speaker for World Women Forum 2023, Paris, France – Kristen Thomasino, 22x Author, Data Scientist, Global Humanitarian Severe […]

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Secretary Blinken’s Call with European Council President Michel

Secretary Blinken’s Call with European Council President MichelThe below is attributable to Spokesperson Matthew Miller: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with European Council President Charles Michel. Secretary Blinken and President Michel reaffirmed U.S. and EU support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. They also discussed opportunities for supporting a sustainable and durable peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Official […]